![]() | Reference: Tayseer Al Kareem Ar Rahmaan fee Tafseer Kalaam Al Mannaan. |
![]() | Category: Tafseer |
“Say: "I seek refuge with the Lord of the daybreak (Allâah)”.
Meaning: “Qul (Say):” while you are in a state of seeking refuge“A’oodhu (I seek refuge)”
Meaning: I turn to, seek fortification from and hold fast to “with the Lord of the daybreak (Allaah)”
Meaning: It is Allâah Who causes the seed grain and the fruit stone (like date stone, etc.) to split and sprout, and it is He who causes the daybreak (morning) to emerge/appear.
“From the evil of what He has created;”
This includes everything that Allaah has created; mankind, Jinn and all forms of animals. Refuge is to be sought with their creator from the evils that are in them.
Then Allaah specifies after being general and says:
"And from the evil of the darkening (night) as it comes with its darkness; (or the moon as it sets or goes away),”
Meaning: [and I also seek refuge with Allaah] from evils that occur during the night, when people are asleep and a lot of the evil souls and harmful animals spread.
“And from the evil of the witchcrafts when they blow in the knots,”
Meaning: [and I also seek refuge with Allaah] from the evils of the female sorcerers/witches who blow in knots, that they tie upon magic, to help them in their magic.
"And from the evil of the envier when he envies."
The Haasid (jealous one/envier) is one who loves that the bounty/blessing [of Allaah] is removed from the one whom he envies, and so he strives to accomplish this by whatever means he is able to find, and so one is in need of seeking refuge with Allaah from his evils and to stop his plotting and planning.
What is also meant by ‘Al Haasid’, is one who gives others the ‘eye’, because the ‘eye’ is not given except from a jealous person who is naturally evil and has a malicious/wicked soul.
So this Surah consists of Al Isti’aadha (seeking refuge with Allaah) from all kinds of evils, generally and specifically. It also establishes that magic is a reality and its harms should be feared, and refuge is to be sought [with Allaah] from it and its people
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