The Virutes and Excellence of Tawheed | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
-There is nothing that produces such good results nor holds such a variety of virtues like tawheed; for tawheed with its virtues : is the best produce in this world and the Hereafter. - It is because of its virtues that one is forbidden from eternity in the fire provided that his heart contains a mustard seed's equivalent amount of it and if it is complete in his heart, then it will prevent him from ever entering the fire at all. - The forgiveness of sins and their removal is among the general virtues and results of tawheed. - Among its virtues is that it is the greatest means of removing the sorrows of this world and the Hereafter , and warding off punishment in both worlds. - Among its virtues is that it grants guidance and perfection to its practitioner , complete safety in this world and the Hereafter. - It is the exclusive reason for being granted Allah's pleasure and rewards , and the most fortunate of people - who are granted Muhammad's (sallahAllahu 'alayhi wasallam) intercession are those who said Laa ilaahi illa Allaah with sincerity in their hearts. - Among the important virtues is that all deeds and sayings - both inner and outer - are dependent upon tawheed for : their acceptibility , their completeness, and for the rewards given for them. So all of this is empowered only with the presence of tawheed and sincerity for Allah, then these matters can be perfect and complete. - It facilitates the accomplishment of good deeds for the servant as well as avoiding evil, and it delivers him from affliction. So when one's Eemaan (faith) and tawheed for Allah are sincere , any burden he feels to act obediently is lifted, since he hopes for the rewards of His Lord and His pleasure. [And] Avoiding the desires of the soul becomes easier for him , since he fears His displeasure and punishment. - When tawheed is complete in the heart of its bearer, Allah endears him with faith and adorns his heart with it. He would hate kufr , fisq and sin , and it places him among the ranks of the guided. - It lightens the worshipper's mishaps and weakens his pain. It is based on the completeness of the worshipper's tawheed and Eemaan that his heart is comfortable with his mishaps and misfortunes. And his soul is content, submitting and accepting that Allah has decreed such trials for him. - Among the greateset virtues is that it frees the worshipper from slavery to created beings , from depending upon them, fearing them, hoping in them, and doing deeds for their sake, and this wins him true honour and respect. By this he will have truly diefied Allah and rendered his worship to Him , not hoping in other than Him , nor fearing except Him , nor repenting to any but Him . By this he will have realized his success and grant himself a happy end. - Another virtue which nothing besides tawheed can achieve- is that if it is complete and perfected in the heart , and it is realized with certain conviction and total sincerity , then it makes even insignificant deeds increase , multiplying the worth of his deeds and sayings beyond limit or enumaration , and the worshipper's kalimat al-ikhlas the statement "Laa ilaaha illa Allaah" will tip the scale such that the heavens , the earths, and all of Allaah's creatures that inhabit them could not come near it weight. As in the hadeeth of Abu Sa'id (radhiyaAllaahu 'anhu) and the hadeeth which mentioned the card containing the statement "Laa ilaaha illa Allaah" which : outweighs ninety-nine scrolls full of sins- each scroll reaching as far as the eye can see. [1] All of this is granted from saying it [the statement "la ilaha illa Allah"] with complete sincerity . And how many who say it have not reached this degree because their hearts do not contain tawheed and sincerity like that present in the heart of this worshipper, nor even close to it. - Among the virtues of tawheed is that Allah has granted its people victory , honour , respect, and aid in this life. He grants them guidance and makes things easier for them, setting their affairs right and strengthening their sayings and actions. - Allah protects the people of tawheed and faith from the evils of this world and the hereafter, and he grants them a good tranquil life and solace in His rememberance. Testimony for this is well known and can be seen often in the Book and the Sunnah. And Allah knows best. - The fulfilment of tawheed removes and cleanses one from : major and minor shirk , from innovated sayings and beliefs , innovated customs and deeds (bid'a), and from disobedience. This is achieved by : complete sincerity for Allaah in sayings, actions and intent, and by escaping major shirk the negator of tawhid , and minor shirk- the negator of its completeness , and by escaping innovation , and the disobedience which tarnishes tawheed and prevents its completion and hiders its results. - Among the results of one's tawheed is that the heart is encouraged by eemaan (faith) , tawheed , and ikhlaas (sincerity). He does his deeds out of sincere faith because he is guided by the commands of Allah , obeying , repenting and seeking refuge in Allah , and not damaging that by insisting on disobedient matters. This is the one that enters paradise without a reckoning, he is among those forerunners who enter it to inhabit its dwellings. - From the clearest signs of tawheed's complete fulfillment ; is devotion to Allah and firm dependence upon Allah (tawakkul). Such that in his heart ; he is not looking towards other creatures for any of his needs nor elevating them , nor asking them with the tongue in any circumstance. Rather he behaves both outwardly and inwardly , when speaking and acting , loving and hating , in every case and in every situation ; he is inteding Allah's Face alone , following Allaah's Messeger(sallahAllahu 'alayhi wasallam). People vary in degrees in relations to this great position : " And for all, there will be degrees according to that which they did, that He (Allah may recompense them in full for their deeds. And they will not be wronged." [2] - Tawheed is not achieved by simple desire or by prayer without a true sense of meaning , nor by contentment without works . But it depends on the heart's firmness in the elements of faith , the realization of ihsan , and its true acceptance of the beautiful manners and beautiful righteous deeds. AUTHOR: al-'Allaamah 'Abdurrahmaan as-Sa'dee (rahimahullaah) SOURCE: Al-qawlus-sadeed fee maqaasidi at-Tawheeed , Sharh kitabu-tawheed Footnotes:[1] The author (rahimahullaah) is reffering to a hadith recorded by Ahmad, al-Tirmidhee and others (see as-saheeha no.135) , from 'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin al-'Aas (radhiyaAllaahu 'anhu) that Allah's Messenger (sallahAllaahu 'alayhi wasallam) said ;
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