O Muslims, we should know that one of the many favors by a grateful though that neglect is a delicious impending doom and we should arrive in the month of Ramadan. Obviously if this self-aware of the high mounting pile of sin, then surely we really hope to be able to see the month of Ramadan and reaping huge benefits in it.
Be grateful for this blessing. How the Almighty always see our disobedience throughout the year, but he covered the disgrace us, forgive us and to postpone death until I can see again with Ramadan.
Unpreparedness of the Fruitful Bitter
Imam Abu Bakr Az Zur'i rahimahullah presented two cases that we must beware. One is [التهاون بالأمر إذا حضر وقته], namely the obligation has come but we are not ready to run.Unpreparedness is one form of the command underestimated. The result was very large, which is a drawback to perform such obligations, and hindered from His good pleasure. Both of these effects is the punishment for unpreparedness in carrying out duties which have been visible to the eye. [1]
Abu Bakr Az Zur'i citing the following verse of Allah Ta'ala,
فإن رجعك الله إلى طائفة منهم فاستأذنوك للخروج فقل لن تخرجوا معي أبدا ولن تقاتلوا معي عدوا إنكم رضيتم بالقعود أول مرة فاقعدوا مع الخالفين (83)
"So if God is to return you to a group of them, then they asked for permission to you to get out (go to war), then say:" You must not come out with me for ever and should not be fighting an enemy with me. Surely you have not willingly go to war the first time. So sit down with people who are noncombatants. "(At-Tauba: 83).
Ponder paragraph above carefully! Know that Allah ta'ala does not like their departure and they undermine him, because there are no preparations and their intentions are not straight anymore. However, when one prepares to perform a charity and he rose up to God with eagerness, then God is too glorious to resist the servant who came to Him. Be wary of the fate of people who do not deserve to run the commands of Allah Ta'ala blessed. Often we follow the passions, will cause us to hit the penalty of closing the heart of the guidance.
Allah ta'ala says,
ونقلب أفئدتهم وأبصارهم كما لم يؤمنوا به أول مرة ونذرهم في طغيانهم يعمهون (110)
"And (so) We're turning their hearts and vision as they had never believed in him (Quran) in the beginning, and we let them wallow in a very astray." (Al-An `am: 110).
Prepare Amal Salih within Welcoming Ramadan
If we want freedom from the hell in the month of Ramadan and would like to receive charity and deleted all his sins, then there must be a prepared lunch.
Allah ta'ala says,
ولو أرادوا الخروج لأعدوا له عدة ولكن كره الله انبعاثهم فثبطهم وقيل اقعدوا مع القاعدين (46)
"And if they want to leave, they would prepare the preparation for departure, but God does not like their departure, then God weaken their will. and said to them: "Stay with people who lived it." (At-Tauba: 46).
There should be a preparation! Thus, expose the dishonesty of people who are not prepared to leave for lunch to welcome Ramadan. Therefore, in the paragraph above them punished with various forms of weakness and humiliation due to their reluctance to do the preparation.
As preparation for Ramadan, the Messenger of Allah multiply the fasting month of Ramadhan. 'Aisha radhiallahu' anhu said:
ولم أره صائما من شهر قط أكثر من صيامه من شعبان كان يصوم شعبان كله كان يصوم شعبان إلا قليلا
"I had never seen the prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, fasting in a month of fasting which he did in the month of Ramadhan, in which he fasted a whole month." In another narration, "He fasted in the month of Ramadhan, except few days. "[2]
He did not look more than a month of fasting in the month of Ramadhan fasting, and he is not perfect except fasting month of Ramadan.
People of this golden generation, the generation salafush righteous, meeka always prepared to welcome Ramadan with the best. Most of the Salaf said,
كانوا يدعون الله ستة أشهر أن يبلغهم شهر رمضان ثم يدعون الله ستة أشهر أن يتقبله منهم
"They (the companions) both pray to Allah for 6 months so they can see the moon Ramadlan." [3]
Their action is a manifestation of a yearning for the coming month of Ramadan, the petition and forms "tawakkal" them to Him. Of course, they not only prayed, but their preparation for Ramadan accompanied by various acts of worship.
Abu Bakr al-Warraq al-Balkhi rahimahullah said,
شهر رجب شهر للزرع و شعبان شهر السقي للزرع و رمضان شهر حصاد الزرع
"Rajab is the month to plant, Ramadhan is a month to irrigate and Ramadan is the month to harvest." [4]
Some other scholars say,
السنة مثل الشجرة و شهر رجب أيام توريقها و شعبان أيام تفريعها و رمضان أيام قطفها و المؤمنون قطافها جدير بمن سود صحيفته بالذنوب أن يبيضها بالتوبة في هذا الشهر و بمن ضيع عمره في البطالة أن يغتنم فيه ما بقي من العمر
"When a year is like a tree. Rajab is the time to grow leaves, Shaban is the time to grow a limb, and Ramadan is the month of harvest, harvesters are the believers.(Therefore), those who "denigrate" their charity record should hurry "bleach" with repentance in these months, while those who had wasted his age in the omission, should utilize the remaining life as well as possible (by doing obedience) proficiency level at the time. "[5]
O Muslims, so that the fruit could be picked in the month of Ramadan, there should be seed sown, and he should be watered until the fruit is lush. Fasting, qiyamullail, charity, and many good deeds in the month of Rajab and Sha'ban, all of it to plant good deeds in the month of Rajab and watered in the month of Ramadhan. The goal is that we can harvest the delicacy of fasting and do good deeds in Ramadan, because of the delicious Ramadan can be felt only with patience, struggle, and not come away. The days of Ramadan is not a lot, travel these days is so fast. Therefore, there must be the best preparation.
Do not Forget, Repentance Update!
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
كل ابن آدم خطاء وخير الخطائين التوابون
"Every descendant of Adam was doing a lot of sins and the best of the sinner is repentance." [6]
Showed signs of repentance in the face of a totality of Ramadan. He wants to enter Ramadan without barriers barrier that would muddy wading trips during Ramadan.
Allah ordered His servants to repent, because repentance must be done at any time.Allah ta'ala says,
وتوبوا إلى الله جميعا أيها المؤمنون لعلكم تفلحون (31)
"Repentance you all to God, O ye who believe you to be lucky." (An Nuur: 31).
Repentance is needed is not like the repentance that we often do. We repent, our tongues to say, "I beg forgiveness of God," but our hearts will fail, but after the speech, the sin is repeated. However, all it takes is the totality of repentance and honesty.
Do not also repentance is only done in the month of Ramadan while outside Ramadan encouraged disobedience again. Remember! Ramadan is the momentum of obedience as well as madrassas to familiarize yourself educated do good deeds so that the soul of obedience-obedience to carry out the other eleven months.
O Muslims, let us prepare ourselves to multiply good deeds in the past two months, Rajab and Sha'ban, as initial capital to wade through the month of Ramadan is coming soon.
O Allah facilitate and guide us. Amen.
Waffaqaniyallahu wa iyyakum.
Buaran Indah, Tangerang, 24 Rajab 1431 H.
Authors: Muhammad Nur Muslim Ichwan
Articles www.muslim.or.id
[1] Badai'ul FAWAID 3 / 699.[2] HR. Muslims: 1156.
[3] Lathaaiful Ma'arif things. 232
[4] Lathaaiful Ma'arif things. 130.
[5] Lathaaiful Ma'arif things. 130.
[6] Hasan. HR. Tirmidhi: 2499.
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