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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Can Combining fasting Sunnah and Qodho 'fast?

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Praise be to Allah, Lord of the giver of all blessings and perfect shari'ah. Prayers and greetings to our Prophet Muhammad, his family and friends. Some people often ask, "Can I combine with qodho Shawwal fasting 'fasting (fasting debt)?" There are certainly some people who claim they can, but we do not know what the essence so they can claim so. This is the discussion we will lift in the following simple inscription. With ask God's help, may be useful for all Muslims.
There is a known issue among scholars is a problem merging or entering the intention of worship to the worship of one another. Among the forms of this problem is to combine intention and practice required to practice the Sunnah.
The scholars provide rule in this case, "Whoever did practice the Sunnah, then it can not meet that obligation." For example, a person intends fasting 'Ashura, then it can not suffice qodho' fasting. But if someone implement qodho 'coincides with the day of fasting and fasting' Ashura ', then qodho' fast is valid. Some scholars say that I hope he also get the reward of fasting 'Ashura as well. [1]
Writer Mughnil Muhtaj, one book Syafi'iyah, Ash Syarbini rahimahullah said, "If someone fasting in the month of Shawwal with the intention qodho 'fasting, fasting or fasting nadzar other, whether he will find the reward of fasting Sunnah or not. I have not found there who think like this. But the strongest opinion, he will find the reward of fasting Sunnah. "[2]
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al 'Uthaymeen rahimahullah in Fataawa Ash Shiyam said,
"Anyone who fasts on the day 'Arofah (9 Dzulhijah), or on the day of' Ashura (Muharram 10) while he still has a debt of Ramadan fasting, the fasting Sunnah he was doing was legitimate. But if he intends to fast on the day 'Arofah or on the day of' Ashura with fasting Ramadan's intentions, then he will have two rewards. The reward is the reward of fasting 'Ashura is accompanied by rewards qodho' fasting. The explanation was meant to be fasting muthlaq, which have nothing to do anything with the fasting of Ramadan. As for fasting six days in Shawwal, he is fasting muqoyyad, it means something to do with fasting in Ramadan. Shawwal Fasting should be done after qodho 'Ramadan is finished accomplished. If someone does Shawwal fasting before qodho 'fasting of Ramadan, then he does not find the reward of fasting of Shawwal (the reward of fasting a whole year, pen). Because the Prophet shallalallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
من صام رمضان ثم أتبعه بست من شوال فكأنما صام الدهر
"Those who invoke the fasting of Ramadan, then he followed with fasting six days of Shawwal, it is as if he fasted a whole year." [3] It is understood that people who still have a debt / qodho 'fasting, Ramadan fasting is not considered done until it qodho refine 'his fast. "[4]
Shaykh Salih Al-Munajjid hafizhohullah in Fatawanya explains, "It is fitting for someone putting qodho 'fasting. It's more important than fasting Sunnah (tathowwu ').But if time is so tight and worried about the missed fasts on the day of glorious as the day of 'Ashura (10th Muharram) or on the day' Arofah (9 Dzulhijah), then fasted with the intention qodho 'fasting. Hopefully from there he could get the reward of fasting 'Ashura or fasting' Arofah at once. The gift of God is very broad indeed. And Allaah knows best. "[5]
If we carefully consider the above it is evident that the recommended is mengqodho 'reward of fasting and fasting Sunnah will hopefully also be obtained. And is not intended here is to combine intention qodho 'sunnah fasts with fasting as well.Intention remains qodho 'fasting which is obligatory and hope to also get the reward of fasting Sunnah. So not exactly understand the words of scholars we have mentioned with the intention of combining two bolehnya mean fasting, the fasting obligatory and sunnah fasting as well. Such an understanding is very wrong and completely misguided. Al Lajnah Ad Buhuts Al Daa'imah lil 'Ilmiyyah wal Ifta' (Standing Committee of Research and Fatwa Ilmiyyah) in Saudi Arabia have said,
لا يجوز صيام التطوع بنيتين, نية القضاء ونية السنة
"It should not be fasting Sunnah with two intentions as well that is with the intention qodho 'intention of fasting and fasting Sunnah." [6] a more complete description please see here.
Especially Shawwal fasting, still more mainstream person carrying out qodho 'Ramadan fasting than fasting of Shawwal. Because the reward of fasting of Shawwal (reward, such as fast full year) could be achieved if the person doing the fasting of Ramadan perfectly. That is, if there is still a debt of fasting, then it should have more precedence than the fasts of Shawwal. But if he remains Shawwal fasting, his fast remains valid. Merit a full year course that escaped from him. According to the most powerful opinion-as-can we ever explain the Sunnah to fast while still having debt fast.Statement please see here.
Hopefully this brief presentation useful. Only God give taufik.
Praise be to God that with His blessings of all good to be perfect.


Authors: Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal

[1] See Al-Islam wa Fatwa answered no. 128 256, on the link
[2] Mughnil Muhtaj ila Ma'rifati Ma'ani Alfazhil Minhaj, Muhammad ibn al Khotib Ash Syarbini, Darul ma'rifah, first printing, 1418 H, 1 / 654.
[3] HR. Muslim, no. 1164, from Abu Ayyub al Anshori.
[4] Fataawa Ash Shiyam 438. Quoted from Al-Islam wa Fatwa answered no. 128 256.
[5] Al-Islam wa Fatwa answered no. 128 256, on the link
[6] Fataawa al Lajnah Ad Buhuts Al Daa'imah lil 'Ilmiyyah wal Ifta', about three of Fatwa No.. 6497 


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