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Monday, June 20, 2011

Slaughtering Animals With Intention Lillah, Forbidden Places Guide to Used For Animal Slaughtering Not Lillah

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The Book of Tawheed Chapter 11 / - (1)
God's Word Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala,

والذين اتخذوا مسجدا ضرارا وكفرا وتفريقا بين المؤمنين وإرصادا لمن حارب الله ورسوله من قبل وليحلفن إن أردنا إلا الحسنى والله يشهد إنهم لكاذبون {} لا تقم فيه أبدا لمسجد أسس على التقوى من أول يوم أحق أن تقوم فيه فيه رجال يحبون أن يتطهروا والله يحب المطهرين

And (among the hypocrites that) there are those who founded the mosque to cause harm (the believers), to disbelief and to divide between the believers and awaiting the arrival of people who had been fighting against God and His Apostle long ago. Surely they swear: "We do not want but good". And Allah bears witness that they indeed are liars (the oath). Do you pray in the mosque forever. Indeed mosque founded on piety (Quba Mosque), since the first day is more worthy of your prayers. Inside the mosque there are people who want to clean themselves. And verily, Allah loveth the clean. "(At-Tauba: 107-108)
Adh ibn Thabit-Dhahhak radi 'anhu said,
نذر رجل أن ينحر إبلا ببوانة, فسأله النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال: (هل كان فيها وثن من أوثان الجاهلية يعبد)? قالوا: لا. قال: (فهل كان فيها عيد من أعيادهم)? قالوا: لا. فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (أوف بنذرك, فإنه لا وفاء لنذر في معصية الله, ولا فيما لا يملك ابن آدم) [رواه أبو داود, وإسنادها على شرطهما].
"There's a bernadzar will slaughter a camel in Buwanah (2) and then the man asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. The Prophet was asked, "Is that place ever worshiped idols of ignorance?" The friend replied, "No." He asked, "Is the place once held one of their festivals?"They replied, "No . 'So Rasululloh sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, "Fill nadzarmu it. However, should not meet nadzar who violates the law of God and nadzar in case you do not own one. "(Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, and isnad according to the requirements of Bukhari and Muslim [Classed as saheeh by Shaykh Albani in Shohihul Jami, additional Admin Shabab Petarukan]).
The content of this chapter:
1. Interpretations of the word of God above. (3)
2. Disobedience can be an influence on the earth, as well as obedience to God.
3. The problem that still doubt should be returned to an obvious problem, to eliminate the doubt.
4. If necessary, a mufti before giving a fatwa asking questions to get clear information.
5. Not specify a particular place forbidden to carry out nadzar, as long as it is free from the things forbidden.
6. However, if ever one of the idols of the jahiliyyah, although there is no more, then the prohibited conduct nadzar in place.
7. And also prohibited conduct nadzar somewhere, if the place was never implemented one of their festivals, although not intend to.
8. May not implement nadzar at the venue because it includes categories nadzar nadzar immoral.
9. Should avoid actions that resemble the idolaters in the way religious and celebration of their feast days, although not intend to.
10. It should not be bernadzar to carry out a disobedience.
11. And should not someone bernadzar in things that did not become his property.
The Book of Monotheism, Purification To Worship God, works of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab at-Tamimi, published by Dar al-Haq, the mold X, p. 45-47
(1) The relevance of this chapter with monotheism, the Muslim seserang when slaughtering animals used in place of the idolaters, he has been doing the same as they were, despite the similarities in the birth, because the similarity of birth will bring inner similarities.
(2) Buwanah: name of a place in the southern city of Mecca before Yalamlam, or a mound next to Yanbu '.
(3) This verse shows also that the slaughter of animals with the intention Lillah prohibited at the site used by idolaters to slay the beast, as the prayer with the intention Lillah prohibited at the mosque that was founded on the basis of sinners to God.


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